Famous Moves

PoPular Wrestling Moves :

The list Below is based on some several wrestling move that is more complex and difficult to do it perfectly without right training procedure. These moves are mostly originated by wrestling superstars such as Undertaker, Goldberg and Stonecold Steve Austin. It also can be defined as a “Killer Move” because it could give a great impact to the subject. These several moves are also believed to be adapted from several martial arts such as Judo. These are some example of the popular “ killer Move”

1. Brain Buster

A brainbuster is a professional wrestling throw in which a wrestler puts his/her opponent in a front facelock, hooks his/her pants, and lifts him/her up as if he/she was executing a vertical suplex. The wrestler then falls onto his/her back so that the opponent lands on his/her head while remaining vertical. This move is officially a version of the DDT

Famously Done By : Randy Orton

2. Ankle Lock

An ankle lock (occasionally referred to as a shin lock) is a leglock that is applied to any of the joints in the ankle, typically by hyperextending the talocrural joint through plantar hyperflexion. Ankle locks are often applied in a manner which simultaneously causes a compression lock to the achilles tendon, and sometimes also to the calf muscle.

Famously Being used By : Kurt Angle

3.The Spear =====รจ>>>>

Also known as a shoulder block takedown, this is an attack where an attacking wrestler charges towards a standing opponent, brings his body parallel to the ground and drives his shoulder into the opponent's midsection, pulling on the opponent's legs, as in a double leg takedown, and forcing them back-first into the mat

Famously Being Used By : <<<<< Edge And Goldberg >>>>>

4.Elbow Smash

The Wrestler makes a punching motion, but tucks his or her hand towards the chest so the elbow and forearm make contact. These can be used in a place of punches because striking with a clenched fist is illegal in most wrestling matches

Famously Being used By ; John Cena <<<< And Dwayne Johnson (The Rock)>>>>

5. German Suplex

Technically known as a belly-to-back waist lock suplex, the wrestler stands behind the opponent, grabs them around their waist, lifts them up, and falls backwards while bridging his back and legs, slamming the opponent down to the mat shoulder and upper back first. The wrestler keeps the waistlock and continues bridging with their back and legs, pinning the opponent's shoulders down against the mat. The regular pinning variation can be referred to as the German suplex pin. The wrestler can also release the opponent in mid arch, which is referred to as a release German suplex. Sometimes, rather than bridging for a pin, the wrestler may roll himself into another position to perform the move again, often referred to as multiple or rolling German suplexes

famously being used by : Eddie guerrero <<<< and >>>> Brock Lesnar

6. The Choke Slam

A chokeslam (nodowa otoshi in Japanese) refers to a type of body slam in professional wrestling in which the wrestler grasps their opponent's neck, lifts them up, and slams them to the mat. It is common in televised wrestling because it is simple and relatively safe, yet looks powerful on camera. The chokeslam is typically used as a finisher by large wrestlers, further enhancing its perception as a powerful maneuver. This maneuver can be more damaging if the victim is slammed into an object, such as a table, steel chair, or garbage can.
The most common variety of chokeslam is performed with a single-handed choke. The wrestler places their free hand behind the opponent's back to help turn them horizontally for the throw. Although a chokeslam begins with a "choke", it is not usually considered to be an illegal move. The single arm choke that normally precedes a chokeslam is known as a goozle

famously Being Used by : Undertaker <<<<< and >>>> Big Show

7. The powerbomb

A powerbomb is a professional wrestling throw in which an opponent is lifted up (usually so that they are sitting on the wrestler's shoulders) and then slammed back-first down to the mat. The standard powerbomb sees an opponent first placed in a standing headscissors position (bent forward with their head placed between the attacking wrestler's thighs). He is then lifted up on the wrestler's shoulders and slammed down back-first to the mat.A prawn hold is commonly used for a pinning powerbomb. It was innovated by Lou Thesz.
Powerbombs are sometimes used in mixed martial arts competitions, when a fighter attempts to slam another fighter who has him trapped in a triangle choke. In professional wrestling, it is also sometimes used by a bigger wrestler as a counter to an attempted hurricanrana by a smaller wrestler.

Famously Being used by : <<<<< Jack Swagger and Batista >>>>>